Neutral Level of States External Debt Service


  • Acauã Brochado
  • Felipe Soares Luduvice Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional
  • João Bosco Amaral Júnior
  • Itanielson Dantas Silveira Cruz



Fiscal Policy, Public Debt Management, State and Local Indebtness


The notion that external indebtedness is more risky than the internal one is common. One imagines that a "high" external indebtedness tends to generate fiscal problems in events of exchange devaluation. But how "high" is this level? Is there any level of external debt that does not generate fiscal problems and insolvency risk? This work derives the foreign exchange debt service, as a percentage of revenue, which is neutral with respect to exchange variations and estimates this neutral level for the Brazilian states. The neutral level is calculated as a function of parameters as GDP growth, income elasticity, exchange rate pass-through to inflation, and percentage of state revenues rigidity. It is concluded that the level of maximum foreign exchange debt that is immune to devaluations is about 20% of state revenue and that most states are still well below this neutral level.


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How to Cite

Brochado, A., Soares Luduvice, F., Bosco Amaral Júnior, J., & Dantas Silveira Cruz, I. (2020). Neutral Level of States External Debt Service. CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS, 20(01).