The effect of unconditional cash transfer programs on education
The case of basic citizenship income in Maricá
Cash Transfers, Basic Income, Public Policies, Social Protection, EducationAbstract
In the context of this work, it was analyzed the Basic Citizenship Income Program in Maricá/
RJ. The program currently transfers 200 reals per beneficiary, paid to families with a monthly
income of up to three minimum wages. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the
Basic Citizenship Income Program in Maricá on basic education (Ideb). The synthetic control
method was applied to compare the evolution of the Ideb in Maricá after the introduction of the
policy to a set of control municipalities representing the counterfactual results in the absence
of basic income payments. A positive effect of cash transfers on education in the municipality
was observed. The impact on the Ideb for the final years of primary school was positive and
significant and on the Ideb for the initial years was positive, but not statistically significant. The
results are in line with previous studies which show that conditional and unconditional income
transfers have positive effects on education.
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