Synergy between the work of nutritionists and purchases from family farming
impacts of the PNAE on school performance and children's nutritional status
Union Banks, Interest Rates, Performance, CountercyclicalAbstract
This article evaluates the impacts of the synergy between the work of nutritionists and purchases
from family farming in the PNAE on SAEB 2019 scores and child nutritional status. Considering
continuous treatment, the Local Average Treatment Effect approach was used, in addition to
the Dose-Response Function (DRF). The impact on PA purchases was greater in schools with
nutritionists, compared to those without, and had an impact of 2.23 points in math and 1.34 in
Portuguese. For severe obesity and obesity alone, the synergy had a reduction of 0.29 and 0.53
percentage points, respectively. Thus, an investment of R$100.00 per student increases math
scores by 45 points and Portuguese scores by 74 points per year and reduces severe obesity
five times and obesity only three times. Finally, the FDR shows that the optimum level of PA
purchases is 50%, showing that the minimum percentage, 30%, required by law is not ideal.
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