The Accounting Theory of Shareholder's Equity in the Accounting Statements and their Effects on Government Decision-Making


  • Walter Lucio Silva Pacheco University of Brasília
  • Magda de Lima Lucio University of Brasília



accounting theories, balance sheet, government information, management, governance


The aim of this article is to verify how the choice of accounting theory applied to equity and its accounting statements produces consequences that can affect the understanding of government officials, causing effects that were not intended as objectives. The Owner, Entity and Fund theories and public accounting, as the main source of government information, are used to provide the evidence that led to this article.

The global growth of the economy has expanded business and created a new need among countries: to reduce the asymmetry of accounting information between those who provide it and its users. The convergence of several countries to international accounting standards is an international cooperation for this purpose: to harmonize accounting information in order to understand and compare the information of governments and their entities in various countries. In Brazil, it began in 2008 (Ordinance MF No. 184), and Brazil has made several adjustments.  

The Federal Government's Balance Sheet (BPU) is a "snapshot" of the Federal Government's net worth as seen by governments, institutions and investors in Brazil and other countries. In Brazil, the conceptual framework for net worth stems from the owner theory, which defines it as the difference between assets and liabilities. The BPU showed positive values for the years 2011 to 2014 and negative values for the years 2015 to 2021. In the 2021 BPU, the negative net worth is R$5.166 trillion. The 2015 BPU shows a negative net worth of R$1.424 trillion and an indication of R$344 billion in liabilities not accounted for in previous years. The Union has no owner or partners. Calculating assets and calling them "net assets" can lead to biases in interpretations, including the perception that users, when looking at the "photographs" from 2011 to 2021, may misunderstand that they are dealing with a private entity. This similarity is associated with the accounting theory used and not the common characteristics between the entities.


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How to Cite

Lucio Silva Pacheco, W., & de Lima Lucio, M. (2023). The Accounting Theory of Shareholder’s Equity in the Accounting Statements and their Effects on Government Decision-Making. CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS, 23(02).