Analysis of the Causes for the Growing Expenditure on Elementary Education in Brazil from 2009 to 2017
Spending on education, Efficiency, Wages, Productivity.Abstract
Despite the automation process and even the drop in the number of students, spending on teachers has been growing over time in Brazil, because these public servers have job stability and are relatively well paid. The purpose of this article is to verify the adequacy of the theoretical argument to the concrete case, especially if the salaries of municipal public elementary education are explained by the Baumol effect or by the Nose effect. Applying an adaptation of the models of Baumol (1967) and Nose (2017), it is concluded that both effects contributed to the growth of municipal elementary school teachers' salaries above productivity, however the Nose effect was superior to the Baumol effect, that is, statutory salary advantages are the main component of salary increases.
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