The efficiency of fiscal monitoring through sped in reducing the VAT GAP


  • Luís Gustavo Chiarelli de Sousa Universidade de São Paulo
  • Amaury José Rezende Faculdade de Administração Economia e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo



Tax gap, SPED, Monitoramento Fiscal, Tax compliance


This article examines the relationship between the implementation of SPED by tax authorities
and the reduction of the VAT gap. While some of the literature indicates a positive influence in
this relationship (ALMUNIA et al., 2015; CASABURI et al., 2016; RACZKOWSKI, 2015),
there is a suggestion that the implementation of such practices without complementary policies
may not produce the desired effects (JOHNSON; MASCLET; MONTMARQUETTE, 2010).
Given this divergence, this study aims to evaluate whether the supposed reduction of
informational asymmetry aimed at with the implementation of SPED was effective in reducing
the ICMS tax gap in Brazilian federative units between 2006 and 2019, using quantification
models developed by the OECD with adaptations to Brazilian legislation. The results indicate
that there was a reduction in the proportion of VAT collection in relation to the taxable base
during the period, suggesting that the implementation of SPED was not effective in reducing
the VAT gap without complementary policies.


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How to Cite

Chiarelli de Sousa, L. G., & Rezende, A. J. . (2023). The efficiency of fiscal monitoring through sped in reducing the VAT GAP. CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS, 23(01).

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