Extraordinary Performance in the Public Securities Market - The Experience of the Brazilian National Treasury


  • Helano Borges Dias Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional
  • Luís Felipe Vital Nunes Pereira Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional
  • Paulo de Oliveira Leitão Neto Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional




Gerenciamento da Dívida, Atuações Extraordinárias, Reserva de Liquidez, Operações de Passivo.


This article analyzes the use of extraordinary actions in the public bond market carried out by the Brazilian National Treasury, covering aspects related to the country's macroeconomics, finances and institutional structure. We sought to understand the main elements, tools, contexts and underlying factors that were present over time. Using a probit model and analysis of principal components, it was found that the National Treasury performs extraordinary actions based on important indicators of financial market volatility and seeks to minimize this type of action, favoring market adjustments.


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How to Cite

Borges Dias, H., Vital Nunes Pereira, L. F., & de Oliveira Leitão Neto, P. . (2023). Extraordinary Performance in the Public Securities Market - The Experience of the Brazilian National Treasury . CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS, 22(03). https://doi.org/10.55532/1806-8944.2022.189