Fiscal rule and monetary policy effectiveness: estimates for the brazilian case
Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Fiscal RulesAbstract
A central bank needs to assess the effects of fiscal policy on the economy if it wants to be more precise on the impact of its decisions on the output growth and on the price level: inconsistent fiscal policy can render monetary policy ineffective. This paper tried to understand the effects of fiscal policy on the Brazilian monetary policy conduction. To do so, using monthly data between Jan/2003 and Jan/2020, a fiscal rule was estimated; from this fiscal rule, using the Kalman filter, a time series was extracted, containing the response of the primary surplus-to-GDP ratio to fluctuations in public debt-to-GDP ratio. Thus, a fiscal reaction index was tested on a monetary policy rule; the results pointed out that a greater fiscal response to changes in debt results in less real interest rate variability. The result can be interpreted as a greater monetary policy effectiveness induced by greater responsiveness to indebtedness.
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