Fiscal Effects of the MunicipalEmancipations in Brazil post1988


  • Pietrangelo De Biase Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional
  • Felipe Luduvice Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional



Municipal Emancipations, Local Public Service, Economies of Scale


In this study, we carry out a set of analysis that seek to clarify the fiscal effects of the
municipal emancipations that occured in Brazil after the approval of the 1988 federal
constitution. Our results indicate that the creation of new municipalities potentially contributed
to the economic growth of rural areas. However, they may also have increased the inefficiency
in the provision of local public services. It became evident, through the use of a simple pairing
technique, that municipalities that underwent a subdivision process had higher costs than others
with similar overall characteristics, and that the financing of these greater expenses was made
possible by increased fiscal grants from upper layers of government. Finally, based on a set of
linear regressions, we estimated the increase in public spending resulting from the
emancipations at 25.6 billion reais in 2016, or 0.41% of GDP.


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How to Cite

De Biase, P., & Luduvice, F. (2020). Fiscal Effects of the MunicipalEmancipations in Brazil post1988. CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS, 20(02).