science and real product per capita: an analysis of Brazilian states between 2003 and 2014
Eficiência do Setor Público, Gasto Público, PIB real per capitaAbstract
The main objective of this work is to analyze at the state level the influence of the efficiency of Brazilian public spending on real GDP per capita. Thus, the study looks for empirical evidence that when a state increases its efficiency of public spending, it also tends to increase real GDP per capita. For the construction of efficiency indicators, the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach is used. The analysis makes use of the panel data methodology by means of the fixed effects estimator by ordinary least squares (FE-OLS), the generalized method of moments in difference (DGMM), the generalized method of moments in system (SGMM). The results show that the efficiency of public spending has a positive effect on real GDP per capita. In addition, the study finds that government productive spending also has a positive effect on real GDP per capita, and finds that government unproductive spending negatively affects that product. The estimates also revealed that the magnitude of the effects of productive and unproductive spending on real GDP per capita depends crucially on the level of efficiency of the public administration of each federative entity. Therefore, the paper empirically analyzes the relationship between efficiency of public spending and real GDP per capita in Brazil at the state level, with important results for public policy guidance.
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