
  • Luciano Charlita Freitas
  • Leonardo Euler de Morais



Taxation, Economic efficiency, Broadband


The telecommunications sector is among the most dynamic in the Brazilian economy. Its scope extends to all economic activities and is a fundamental link for the welfare of society. In these circumstances, the cost of accessing telecommunications services has been the focus of attention among researchers and policy makers. An essential component of this scope is the weight of taxation on services. The present study proposes to assess the economic efficiency of taxation on fixed broadband service in Brazil. Empirical evidence is formulated by combining an econometric model, with observations for 5,517 Brazilian municipalities that have fixed broadband supply, and by calculating the dead weight of taxation. The results suggest that the price elasticity of demand for fixed broadband in the Brazil is of the order of -3.22% for every 10% increase in the price of the service. The elasticity estimate was made using a two-stage regression procedure. For the variable price, retail offer references were used for 45,149 service offers. The data used in the regression are in the public domain and the codes used for modeling are available in the annexes of this study. As for the loss of economic efficiency of taxation, it was found to be R $ 0.262 per R $ 1.00 of tax collected with fixed broadband. The dimensioning of this loss of economic efficiency reveals a perspective hitherto unavailable for the sector. In the end, alternative proposals for more efficient taxation arrangements are proposed for considerations in the scope of medium and long-term fiscal planning for Brazil.


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