XBRL Processor

A Tool for Generating XBRL Instances


  • Henderson Acosta Bragança Câmara Municipal de Porto Velho


XBRL, Mapeamento de dados, Integração de dados, Integração XBRL, XBRL Processor


The use of eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) technology in the context of financial reporting on the internet is evident, whether due to its advantages and benefits or governmental impositions. However, the data to be transported by this language is mostly stored in defined structures such as relational databases, JSON files or CSV files. It is therefore essential for organizations to integrate XBRL technology with other data storage technologies. This article presents an Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) solution for extracting data from different storage formats and generating XBRL instances, called XBRL Processor. This tool includes different types of data source and generates the XBRL instance. In addition, parameterizations were implemented to meet the delivery of the Accounting Balances Matrix to the Accounting and Financial Information System of Brazil's National Treasury Secretariat (SICONFI) and a case study was carried out in order to validate the XBRL Processor tool.


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How to Cite

Acosta Bragança, H. (2024). XBRL Processor: A Tool for Generating XBRL Instances. CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS, 24(03). Retrieved from https://publicacoes.tesouro.gov.br/index.php/cadernos/article/view/240