National Transfer Accounts: the fiscal balance of the Brazilian generational economy
national transfer accounts, demography, generational economicsAbstract
The demographic transition has brought both opportunities and economic challenges to Brazil. This research compiled the National Transfer Accounts 2018 to analyze the relationship between demographics and the National Accounts, given the upsurge in population aging and the end of the demographic bonus. The results showed differences in the economic life cycle of children, working-age people, and the elderly. The public sector financed more consumption by the elderly, while the private sector financed more consumption by children. Public transfers to each elderly person were 3.5 times the public transfers to each child. In the future, public spending is likely to remain under fiscal pressure due to the aging population, especially as the demographic bonus ends. Therefore, this statistical methodology can be a potential tool for tracking the impacts of public policies and population aging on the economy over time, particularly on public accounts.
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