Fiscal rules in different economic scenarios: An analysis of contractionary shocks on public accounts
Tax rules. DSGE. Uncertainty. Public Finance., Tax rules, DSGE, Uncertainty, Public FinanceAbstract
This paper seeks to investigate the effect of the easing and introduction of escape mechanisms in pub[1]lic spending rules on fiscal variables. To this end, we used a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model with elements of an open economy, adjusted to reproduce the main characteristics of the Brazilian economy. The results show the ability of spending rules - of whatever type - to stabilize the level of public spending and smooth the growth of public debt in adverse periods, when compared to the model without any rules. In addition, the results indicate that the introduction of escape mech[1]anisms is able to promote flexibility of fiscal rules in relation to the economic cycle without compro[1]mising the fiscal framework in terms of debt stabilization. Finally, simulations suggest superiority of debt rules over the alternative proposed in Constitutional Amendment No. 95/2016.
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