
  • Lucas Oliveira Gomes Ferreira Universidade de Brasília (UnB) - Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU)
  • André Luiz Marques Serrano Universidade de Brasília (UnB)



Brazilian states, marginal cost of fund, grants, flypaper effect


The flypaper effect is the empirical anomaly by which intergovernmental grants tend to be transformed by recipient authorities into public expenditures at a considerably higher rate than local private
resources. The objective of this research is to detect the existence and investigate the causes of the
flypaper effect in the Brazilian states. Panel data evidence of 27 Brazilian states from 1985 to 2010 and
5,568 Brazilian municipalities from 2000 to 2018 indicates the existence of a large flypaper effect, with
an estimated impact of grants on public expenditures. Considering there are some ways to calculate
MCF proxies, first, an autonomous index was used as a proxy of the marginal cost of public funds
(MCF), because it represents how much the municipality can survive by itself, representing the municipality’s independency to federal grants. Second, the MCF was calculated by the derivation of Proper Tax Revenue to the Total Revenues. The state results show that the stimulative effect of grants on public spending increases with the MCF in both proxies, but it was stronger in the autonomous index proxy, in convergence to results of Dahlby and Ferede (2016) to Canadian provincial data. The municipalities results show the municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants had a greater flypaper effect when compared to smaller municipalities. The flypaper index highlighted the group of municipalities in the Southeast region with the greatest flypaper effect, followed by Central-west and South regions. At the same time, there is evidence that the constitutional function of the transfers to reduce regional inequalities is not being achieved in some municipalities


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