A study on the dynamics of sustainability of Minas Gerais’ State Public Debt between 2003 and 2020: an econometric approach


  • Pedro Henrique Bragança dos Santos Secretaria de Estado de Justiça e Segurança Pública - Sejusp-MG
  • Francisco Soares Diniz




Public Debt, Cointegration, Unit Roots, Sustainability, VECMs


In the 1980s and 1990s, a specialized literature was developed in the investigation of public debt sustainability around the world. This literature was based on unit root tests, VECM modeling and public debt forecasts. These tests were intended to verify whether governments are incurring an unsustainable debt trajectory, and whether they are implementing a Ponzi scheme. The models aimed to reduce uncertainty about the Public Debt, becoming an important ally to public finance managers. This work aimed to verify evidence of the sustainability of public debt in Minas Gerais between 2003 and 2020 through the econometric approach of testing the presence of unit-roots and the cointegration between Revenues, Expenditures and other relevant variables. The conclusion was that the Public Debt of Minas Gerais shows signs of weak sustainability, lacking actions to re-establish a path of sustainability between the variables Primary Revenues and Primary Expenditures


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How to Cite

Bragança dos Santos, P. H., & Soares Diniz, F. (2022). A study on the dynamics of sustainability of Minas Gerais’ State Public Debt between 2003 and 2020: an econometric approach. CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS, 22(01). https://doi.org/10.55532/1806-8944.2022.164