Subsidy to public inspections: Identification of Municipalities with discrepantspendings in Basic Education


  • Renata Guanaes Machado Controladoria-Geral da União



Clustering of municipalities, Anomaly detection, Public spending, Basic education


Public spending must be constantly monitored by government agencies. In this context, the application of technology to produce strategic information that supports actions to combat corruption and mismanagement of public resources becomes essential. With the availability of the Information System on Public Budgets in Education (SIOPE), the present work employs data mining techniques for the detection of atypical expenses in Elementary Education, performed by municipalities in 2018 - which may constitute occasional events (such as works in schools) or represent evidence of irregularities. Clustering of municipalities and anomaly detection algorithms were applied to a group of similar municipalities. The results (if the municipality is anomalous and its degree of anomaly) can be added to the planning of control actions and, also, support the adoption of appropriate measures by other instances, such as the Ministry of Education and social control councils.


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How to Cite

Machado, R. G. (2022). Subsidy to public inspections: Identification of Municipalities with discrepantspendings in Basic Education. CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS, 22(01).