Does the Laffer Curve hypothesis apply to the case of Rio Grande do Sul?


  • Liderau dos Santos Marques Junior SPGG/Analista Pesquisador



elasticities, cointegration, Laffer curve, Rio Grande do Sul


The article presents a descriptive analysis on the evolution of revenue of ICMS and IBCR-RS from January 2003 to December 2019. From the analysis of co-integration and an error correction model, are estimated the short term and long-term elasticities between revenue of ICMS in relation to the IBCR-RS and the nominal rates on blue-chips. The results indicate that the revenue of ICMS is more sensitive to changes in economic activity in the long run than in the short run. Furthermore, there is evidence of the existence of the Laffer Curve in the case under study.


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How to Cite

dos Santos Marques Junior, L. (2022). Does the Laffer Curve hypothesis apply to the case of Rio Grande do Sul?. CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS, 21(03).