Ex-post evaluation of the socio-economic consequences of the Integration Project of the São Francisco River with Watersheds of the Northern Northeast


  • Artur Henrique da Silva Santos Universidade de Brasília - UNB




Quality of public spending, Integration Project of the São Francisco River, Ex-post evaluation of public policies, Impact evaluation


This paper evaluates ex-post the economic and social consequences generated by the effect of the increased water supply created by the Integration Project of the São Francisco River with Watersheds of the Northern Northeast - PISF - on the beneficiary municipalities since 2017. The study finds evidence that the PISF has not increased household coverage of water supply, but it has increased the frequency of that supply, in terms of days. The positive outcomes of the PISF include an increase in livestock production, an increase in the extent of planted areas used for agricultural production, and a reduction in deaths due to diarrhea. The negative results of PISF include a reduction in formal salaries and employability in the regions benefited by the policy.


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How to Cite

da Silva Santos, A. H. . (2021). Ex-post evaluation of the socio-economic consequences of the Integration Project of the São Francisco River with Watersheds of the Northern Northeast. CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS, 21(1). https://doi.org/10.55532/1806-8944.2021.128