PROGRAMA – SINERGIA BRASIL: Implementando a Contratualização no Brasil

Implementando a Contratualização no Brasil





contracting, results contract and indicators management


Currently there are restless theoretical models exhaustively clarifying the importance of contractualization, however this work is not limited to describing concepts on the subject, but seeks full applicability to the term contractualize. The challenge proposed here is to align strategic planning with state-of-the-art execution, promoting the mastery of public policy, even when the action is underway. This management clash propitiates culture change in public administration, which this work proposes is something innovative and needs to be implemented together. Currently, several agencies use results agreements, performance- related compensation, awards to successful managers, etc. This demonstrates the break of paradigm in public management, and no longer a continuity of old reforms, it is in this context that management by results gains strength in the public sector, by setting goals, mapping the competencies of servants, setting objectives and penalties in order to achieve the purpose for which the agency was created. In this agreement not only the manager, but all those involved have rights and obligations, aligning themselves in favor of a single purpose. The idea now is to produce to the leaders conditions to know the potentialities of their staff, being able to allocate their human resources in an efficient way taking advantage of their resources, to give them certain budgetary autonomy in order to facilitate the maneuvering of the public machine and to put them in real time with the situation of their unit in relation to the strategic planning. The great advantage of the Brazil Synergy Program is to quickly and easily reveal the current performance of its policies of action, not needing to present a report at the end of the fiscal year on the execution of goals achieved or not. This way, the manager knows its execution and, if necessary, can promote adjustments throughout the year. In summary, the Brazil Synergy Program is born out of a results contract and is completed in an efficient model of indicator management.


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Como Citar

CORREIA SILVA, M. (2021). PROGRAMA – SINERGIA BRASIL: Implementando a Contratualização no Brasil: Implementando a Contratualização no Brasil. CADERNOS DE FINANÇAS PÚBLICAS , 21(02).